Friday, January 15, 2010

Massachusetts Senatorial Race, Tuesday January 19, 2010


Boy, do I feel important!  Today I got a telephone call from President Obama.  Well, O.K. so it was a recorded message.  :)

Still, our states election for a new U.S. Senator to replace Ted Kennedy, has taken on a turn of importance, unknown to any election of it’s kind, in the history of this state.

We are being barraged by advertisements from all sorts of political groups.  Even Presidents Obama and former president Clinton, have come (or are coming) to support Martha Coakley, the Democratic Parties Nominee.

Race for Senate .

She is running against Scott P. Brown, whom some have compared to a “Ken Doll”.  (lol)  Not so funny really because we all know that handsome looking people have a better chance of being elected.

Not that Martha isn’t good looking, she is.  But she’s following in the footsteps of Ted Kennedy, and Scott Brown, has launched his “Grass Roots” campaign, against her.  He’s playing “The good old boy” card; or in this case, the good *young* father card.  He drives a truck, to get around on his campaign trail…  well,  a large group of young folks can relate to that, can’t they?!

He’s gathering all of those voters who want to see *change* in a big way.

So I received the above card in the mail today, which I thought was rather creative  (lol).  Brown has been voting more Republican, than Liberal (which he claims his view are). 

Why all the ado?  Well, the vote of this senator, once they are elected; could make or break President Obama’s much fought for Health Care Bill!

Pretty scary, isn’t it?!!!  Is my one vote going to help?

Just in case, I urged DS (Dear Son) to go and vote.  He didn’t bother with the Primary (sigh)….

Suddenly his enthusiasm perked up when I told him that it was about the Health Care Bill which they have been attempting to formulate for so long.  Wanted to know which one was *for* the health care bill (sigh). 

Then again, I remember being young and not giving a hoot about politics either.  Guess paying taxes, etc. makes one pay closer attention to things like that!

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