Saturday, July 04, 2009

Where I've been!

I suddenly realized that I haven’t been active on the net again.  I had been having a wonderful time at Twitter, and all of the little “weblets” that are associated with it!  (grin)


Then I was overwhelmed  by the lurkers that add you to their friends list there.  Twitter was making some changes again, and I wasn’t able to delete the “unwanted” the way I could before.  So that turned me off that site. 


Couldn’t think of anything to blog about, so that finished a few more sites.


Got CFS brain fog and slept for what seemed like days.  Woke up, only to find that DS’s car would cost $2,000.00 to repair.  This on a 2001 Ford Mustang, that was his first car.  Erhemm… it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but youthful inexperience did kind of take a toll on it.  The mileage was up to 96,000 plus.  Soo, we decided that a new more energy efficient car might be a better choice.


He went out with a friend of his on day one, and almost bought a Kia.  Gulp, guess they don’t have a very good reputation.  At least, the other dealers kept telling us how bad the Kia was!?  Hmm, who know…


We then went out to several dealers checking what they had available in the size he was looking for.  Couldn’t convince him to buy a small car with great mileage.  Ah well, he’s buying it with $$ his dad put in a trust fund for him.  He’ll find out how quickly $$ disappear, once one starts spending them… (sigh)!


After looking in at every Honda, Toyota, Nissan, even a Ford, etc dealership in the area, we finally ended up with a Toyota Rav4 he chose the blue one.  Too big for my liking and too low on gas mileage, but DS loves it!  So that’s good.  I hope that he and the vehicle will have many happy and healthy years together!  :)




Then I remembered that I’d signed up for an online course about Finance, back in May.  Had dropped said project for my excursion into the Twitter and Blogging world.  Ooops, it was time to get back on *that* track also.


So that’s what I’ve been doing the last week or so.  Catching up on the course, running back and forth to the Registry of Motor vehicles, contacting our insurance agent, and doing food shopping in between.  And sleeping!  Doing lots and lots of sleeping; I keep hoping one of these days, it will be enough sleep for my old body, and I’ll kick the CFS.  Yeah, right, “I doubt it”!


I have until the 10th to finish the course.  So far I’ve had good luck with my brain power returning, after I sleep for a while.  Only two more chapters and the final; to go.


DS has gone to visit his Girl friend over the Holiday.  All is quiet here, except for the fur kids, sometimes making requests!  (lol)

Well, ttyl!  Hope that all are having a nice weekend, and/or a nice 4th of July!





Posted via email from raenie's posterous

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